Winner JMB Award II

The 2021 Josef Müller-Brockmann Art Prize is awarded to NADINE WÜTHRICH (1979, lives and works in Zurich).

Nadine Wüthrich has won the 2021 Josef Müller-Brockmann Art Prize, awarded every two years by the Shizuko Yoshikawa and Josef Müller-Brockmann Foundation. The designer completed a master’s degree in Visual Communication at Zurich University of the Arts in 2019. She is the second winner of the prize, which is endowed with 25,000 CHF.

Jury Statement
Die Jury würdigt Nadine Wüthrichs ebenso zeitgemässes wie mutiges Engagement im Bereich des digitalen und hybriden Publizierens. In ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit der Teilhabe von Autorinnen und Autoren,

Jury Statement

The jury recognizes Nadine Wüthrich’s timely and courageous engagement in the field of digital and hybrid publishing. In her examination of how authors, readers and other user groups participate in collaborative publishing processes, she explores questions of generic design, economy of effort, access and availability. The jury was convinced in particular by Wüthrich’s thoughtful use of a wide variety of materials, spanning annotated source texts, scholarly papers and design samples of Montessori school buildings in the “global south.” Wüthrich’s solid and forthright presentation of this content has the potential to provide innovative impulses in the Digital Humanities.

Nadine Wüthrich

Nadine Wüthrich studierte Grafik an der Schule für Gestaltung Bern/Biel und absolvierte 2019 den Masterstudiengang für Visual Communication an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. In ihrem eigenen Studio in Zürich fokussiert sie sich vorwiegend auf Editorial Design und Digital Design. Nebst Büchern und Publikationen gestaltet Wüthrich auch Webauftritte für Institutionen und Projekte in den Bereichen Kultur, Wissenschaft sowie Wirtschaft. Von 2017 bis 2019 war sie Teil


Nadine Wüthrich studied graphic design at the Bern/Biel School of Design and graduated from Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) in 2019 with a Master’s in Visual Communication. In her studio in Zurich, she focuses mainly on editorial and digital design. In addition to books and publications, Wüthrich also designs websites for cultural, academic and business-world institutions and projects. From 2017 to 2019 she was part of a research group at ZHdK that investigated the future of academic publishing, in cooperation with the Chair for Science Studies in the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences at ETH Zurich. Wüthrich played a significant part in this context in the publication project Aether, which focuses on developing a hybrid platform (online/print) to propose a contemporary and experimental format for academic texts. In her master’s project Living Patterns – Ein Entwurfsinstrument für die Montessori Architektur (Living Patterns – A Design Tool for Montessori Architecture), she conducted an in-depth examination of social design and participatory design in architecture. The work gave rise to a website as well as a manual (to be published in autumn 2021), which enable both professionals and non-experts to design an ideal learning environment irrespective of location and funding. Hybrid publishing as well as social design and participatory design number among the key interests that Wüthrich plans to focus on more intensively in future.

Nadine Wüthrich was born in Trab BE in 1979. She lives and works in Zurich, where she has run her own studio since 2012. From 1997–2002 she attended the graphic design class at the Bern/Biel School of Design. This was followed by internships at Wolf Studio, Paris and with Philippe Apeloig, Paris. From 2017–2019, she completed a Master’s in Design/Communication at Zurich University of the Arts. Wüthrich has implemented design projects inter alia for the Federal Office of Culture BAK, Federal Chancellery BK, University of Bern, City of Bern, Canton of Bern, ETH Zurich, University of Zurich UZH, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, intercomverlag, gta Verlag, Foraus – Forum Aussenpolitik, Arthur-Waser-Stiftung, Conrad John Godly.


Julia Born, Designer, Zurich (guest expert)
Urs Lehni, Designer, Zurich (guest expert)
Lars Müller (Foundation President)
Gabrielle Schaad (Member, Foundation Board of Trustees)
Jonas Voegeli (Member, Foundation Board of Trustees)