1979 ’12 Swiss Concret Artist›, Bossin Gallery, Berlin, Germany
1979 ‹Shimizu Kusuo and His Artists›, Minami Gallery, Tokyo
1980 ‹Reliefs›, Art Museum of Zürich
1981 Touring show ‹Rationl Concept 80›, Art Association of Oldenburg – City Art Museum in Gelsenkirche, Germany
1981 VI Biennial of Modern Art, ‹Art and Architecture The Pole of geometric Reserch› S.Martino di Lupari near Padova, Italy
1981 ‹Constructive Art in Present Europe›, Art Information Center of Osaka Art University
1983 II Biennial of Modern Art, ‹International Tendency of Visual Structure›, Marostica near Vicenza, Italy
1984 ‹Interntional Biennial of Graphic Art›, Lijubliana, Yugoslavia
1984 ‹Language of Geometry›, Art Museum of Bern, Switzerland
1984 ‹Tendency of European Constructivism›, Gallery Constructive Tendens, Stockholm
1984 International Biennial of Graphic Art, Krakow, Poland
1985 Touring shows: ‹The Visuality of Structure›, Museum of Varese – Museum of Sondorio, Italy
1985 ‹The Rationalist-Woman Artists Concept 1915-1985›, Frauenmuseum, Bonn, Germany
1985 ‹Geometrical Abstraction IV 1922-1985›, Gallery Constructive Tendens, Stockholm
1985 ‹Conkrete Construction 1965-1985: Loewensberg, Glattfelder, Kujasalo, Yoshikawa›, Gallery Seestrasse, Rapperswil, Switzerland
1986 XLII Art Biennial of Art, Venice,’Art and Science›, Section: Color)
1986 ‹konkret 6›, Art Museum of Nurenberg, Nurenberg, Germany, wall installation ‹homage to albrecht duerrer›
1986-87 Touring showes: ‹Swiss Concrete Art of Today›, Amos Anderson Museum, Helsinki- Tampereen Taidemuseo-Ulm Art Museum-Bonn Artist Forum-Munster-Freiburg
1987 ‹Mathematics in the Art during last 30 Years›, Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany
1988 IV International Drawing Triennial, Breslau, Poland)
1989-02 ‹Aspect of Swiss Print Works›, Beth Gallery, Tel Aviv-Mexico City-Caracs-Medelin-Costa Rica-Lima-Melbourne-Adelaide etc.
1989 ‹Dice Museum›, Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen, Germany
1990 V. Biennial of Modern Art: ‹Aesthetic Education and Art›, Marostica, Italy
1993 ‹Two Energies, Takashi Naraha/Yuko Shiraishi/Shizuko Yoshikawa›, Haus for Constructive and Concrete Art, Zurich
1995 ‹Karo Dame, Constructive, Concrete and Radical Woman Artists 1914-Today›, Aarau Museum, Switzlerland
1997 ‹Swiss Concret 1960-1997›, Haus for Constructive and Concrete Art, Zurich-Art Association in Frankfurt
1999 ‹Hommage to Vordemberge-Gildewart›, Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabruck, Germany
2000 ‹Friedlich Vordemberge-Gildewart 100 yeas old›, Art Museum, Ulm, Germany
2002 ‹Swiss-School and Osaka Art University›, Information Center, Osaka Art University
2003 ‹Fascination of Art and Technique›, Atlanta Gallery, Dresden Technical University Dresden, Germany
2003 ‹Concret Art-Unity and Diversity›, Art Association, Halle, Germany
2004 ‹Hommage to Victor Luthy›, Art Museum, Lucerne, Switzerland
2005 ‹Poesie and Ratio, 5 International Position: Yve Klein, Heinz Mack, Shizuko Yoshikawa, Eugen Gomringer, and Werner Runau›, University Collection Art and Technique, Dresden, Germany
2006 ‹New Presentation of Marli Hoppe-Ritter Collection›, Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Germany
2008 ’50×50 Actual Perspective of International Concrete Art›, Mondrianhuis, Amersfoort, Holland
2009 ‹Swiss Concret›, Lazlo Vass Collection, Hungary
2009 ‹Stillness into Color-Inframince of Moonlight›, Kawamura Memorial Museum, Japan
2009 ‹Hommage to Square, Hopper-Ritter Collection›, Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Germany
2009 ‹Bauhaus 90 yeares, Constructivism and Concrete Art›, Weishaupt Kunsthalle, Ulm, Germany
2010 ‹Ganz Konkret›, Haus Konstructive, Zurich
2014 ‹Particiipation to Founder-Generation›, Vordemberge-Gildewart-Haus, Osnabruck, Germany
2014 Participation:’15 Bilder: 2014′, März Galerie, Mannheim
2014 Participation: ‹Weiss inspiriert›, 20.09.14 – 10.01.2015, Galerie Linde Hollinger, Ladenburg
2014 Participation: ‹Konstruktive Tendenzen in Südwesten Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter›, 19.10.14 – 19.04.2015, Museum Ritter, Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter, Waldenbuch